Reduce Home Heat Loss From Your Cincinnati HVAC System
by Greg Leisgang on March 10, 2014
Posted in: Energy Savings
Home heat loss not only makes your living space uncomfortable, but is also wastes your hard-earned money. When your home is an energy drainer, your HVAC system also has to work harder to condition your air, which can lead to expensive repair jobs and a shorter life span for your system. What's more, all that energy waste puts greater strain on the environment. Since the winter can be brutal, keeping your Cincinnati HVAC system, and your home as a whole, working as efficiently as possible is vital. Luckily, by following some relatively simple steps, you can start reducing your home's heat loss today.
Fighting Heat Loss From Your Cincinnati HVAC System
Every effort you make to have an energy efficient home helps, but the more of the following tips you put to use, the greater the savings and comfort.
- Seal any air leaks you find in your home with caulk and weatherstripping. Look for leaks around windows, doors, electrical outlets, plumbing fixtures and any other locations where air may be able to escape.
- Make sure you have insulation in your attic, basement, crawl spaces and other areas that need a greater thermal barrier.
- Take care of any gaps or disconnected runs in the ductwork and then add a layer of insulation around them.
- Switch out any older, single-pane windows with energy efficient versions. Windows with multiple panes have the Energy Star rating and are low-U-value, low-E are recommended and can help reduce your utility bills by 25 percent.
- Install an energy efficient furnace that's properly sized for your house.
- Equip your Cincinnati HVAC system with a programmable thermostat. You can save energy by scheduling it to turn on when you're home and to go into energy savings mode when you're away.
- Keep your HVAC system well maintained. Change your air filters regularly and schedule annual pre-season service calls.
- Ensure your home's well ventilated. Excess moisture makes heating your living space harder to do because energy is absorbed to dry out damp materials.
Do you need a reliable contractor for Cincinnati HVAC services? Please contact us JonLe Heating & Cooling anytime.
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