Keep Control of Your Heating and Air Conditioning With a Programmable Thermostat

by Greg Leisgang on November 13, 2013

Posted in: Thermostats

Are you trying to come up with ways to save money on your Cincinnati heating and air conditioning? One easy way to save money year-round while keeping your home at comfortable temperatures is with a programmable thermostat.

Programmable thermostats, when used properly, can save money every month while keeping your home at a cozy temperature. In order to maximize your savings with the programmable thermostat, follow these simple tips:

  • Programmable thermostats allow you to set times for energy saving settings. Make sure that these times span for at least 8 hours each, such as when you're at work or after bedtime.
  • Try not to override the program settings too often. The more you override, the less you save!
  • Don't use the hold/permanent/vacation setting unless you are going to be away for a weekend or more. Set it for a few degrees above or below the comfort level (depending on the time of year) while you're away to save money.
  • Avoid cranking up the unit to extreme settings to try to heat or cool the home faster. Thermostats are designed to begin heating or cooling at set times in order to have the home at your comfort level at the designated time.
  • Adaptive units assess the performance of the last few days and adapt to begin heating or cooling on time. In this way, adaptive units will save you even more money in the long run by keeping the home at the most energy saving option when it's unoccupied.
  • If your programmable thermostat runs on batteries, be sure to change the batteries at least yearly. This will ensure that it continues to function properly when you need it and doesn't waste any energy heating or cooling your home.

For more information on how a programmable thermostat can help you save money with Cincinnati heating and air conditioning costs, contact our experts at JonLe Heating and Cooling. We proudly serve the greater Cincinnati area.

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